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EuroQ in Emden 15 years timeline

EuroQ in Emden has shown how to establish and advance a successful company with a fixed goal even in the highly competitive market of the automotive industry. Already 10 years after its foundation, EuroQ developed to a modern quality service provider and employs more than 1000 people worldwide.

2007 The beginning

  • The two founders Marcus Scholz and Christof Zuber decide to pool their experience in their own joint venture.
  • Their vision: The new company should become the most transparent quality assurance company for the automotive industry and also operate successfully internationally.

2008 Founding of EuroQ GmbH

  • Start with 12 employees and one branch in Bremen and Emden
  • Services: control and rework as well as incoming / outgoing inspections
  • Follow a consistent expansion of the branch network to be close to the customer and to enable fast response times
  • From the beginning, the young entrepreneurs have relied on transparent, IT-supported processes. In order to ensure transparency, the EuroQ proprietary information system VPS was developed in two languages right from the start and has been optimized to this day.
  • The founders attach great importance to transparency in their own processes as well as reporting: Customers can log in and access the data of their orders online and in real time. The VPS will be the basis for the satisfied customers, who are still placing orders with the EuroQ.
[The two EuroQ founders Marcus Scholz and Christof Zuber in 2008].

2010 Founding and development of EuroQ, Inc. in the USA

  • In the US, the founders rely exclusively on trained specialist personnel. In addition, American OEM customers are also impressed by the use of scanner tools for off-site activities. The associated data quality and the high-performance employees give the EuroQ a competitive edge, which it knows how to make clever use in the coming years.
  • The service portfolio will be expanded to include retrofit, resident engineering and complaint management.

2011 Start of construction of EuroQ headquarters in Emden

The rented premises have become too small. The construction of separate headquarters in Emden begins and forms the basis for further growth.

[Construction of the new EuroQ headquarters]
[[Construction of the new EuroQ headquarters]

2012 Founding of EuroQ Hungary Kft in Kecskemét

  • The customer Daimler is building a new production plant in Hungary. In order to better support quality assurance there, EuroQ Kft. is founded.
  • The service areas will also be further expanded: EuroQ specialists will now also take over orders for surface treatment and materials testing.
  • For the first time, EuroQ also takes over a product filter (Warenfilter) for Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles in Hanover.

2013 Ramp-up support for new launches

  • EuroQ supports for the first time simultaneous model launches at Daimler in Bremen and Tuscaloosa with its experienced residents and its international VPS system.
  • Ramp-up support and flashing become successful portfolio building blocks.

2015 Expansion of EuroQ headquarters by another building

  • EuroQ is successful and creates more space with an extension to meet the evolving human resource requirements for IT development, HR and Finance.
  • The Quality Engineering division is founded and now supports the growing customer requirements in the development and support of new quality products.
[The EuroQ headquarters with a new extension]

2016 Founding of EuroQ Personal Solution GmbH

The new service company specializes in leasing employment in the areas of quality assurance, management and quality engineering.

2017 Introduction of the EuroQ Touch

New technology modules, such as the EuroQ Touch, are being introduced to further develop networking with customers’ IT systems as well as data collection and reporting. For the first time, the tool with interactive interface avoids media breaks, even with very complex tests, and immediately becomes a hit with customers.

[EuroQ relies on new technologies]

2018 Founding of EuroQ Logistics

  • With the takeover of HL Logistics from Saarlouis in August 2018, EuroQ now also offers logistics services. The new subsidiary is called EuroQ Logistics GmbH.

2018 1,000+ employees worldwide

  • EuroQ is a modern international service company with more than 1,000 employees worldwide and numerous branches.
  • Thanks to the use of innovative technologies, EuroQ continues to drive digitization for quality assurance.
  • For the future, in addition to pure quality assurance, EuroQ wants to provide customers with even more data in real time for the resulting process improvements.
[EuroQ celebrates its 10th anniversary]

2019 Focus on e-mobility

  • EuroQ is strategically focusing on the growth segments of e-mobility and flashing.
  • E-mobility: intensive qualification measures in high-voltage 1-3.
  • Flashing: Investment in ODIS and XENTRY hardware, in approvals and qualifications.

2020 Pandemic / Successful launch support for electric and hybrid vehicles

  • EuroQ’s extensively qualified action teams are in high demand for new e-vehicle startups.
  • Despite pandemic conditions, trainings of American EuroQ colleagues in Germany to support our German customers in the US as well

2021 Chip crisis / need for high flexibility

After the pandemic, the automotive industry is struggling with a shortage of chips now. Thanks to its broad portfolio and the great flexibility of the complete team, EuroQ continues to be successful although many manufacturer plants are temporarily closed.

2022 Shortage of qualified personnel in Germany- Focus on action systems/high-voltage systems

In 2022, companies in the automotive industry faces new challenges. Now the focus is mainly on the shortage of skilled workers, rising energy prices and salaries and high inflation due to the war in Ukraine. EuroQ focuses on action management and high-voltage projects and also supports a customer for the first time in a project of several months in the launch of charging stations for e-vehicles.

2023 EuroQ in Emden celebrates its 15th anniversary

15 years ago (in April 2008), EuroQ GmbH was founded in Emden and has since developed into one of the leading quality service providers for the automotive industry. We continue to remain “on track to the future” with great commitment, especially for all requirements of the new mobility.


We are proud of our performance.

"Would you recommend EuroQ to others?" 98% of our customers said yes!
Status: September 2024 based on 2400+ ratings

We are proud of our performance.

"Would you recommend EuroQ to others?" 98% of our customers said yes!
Status: September 2024 based on 2400+ ratings
EuroQ GmbH

Stedinger Straße 32
26723 Emden

+49 4921 91668-0
+49 4921 91668-18

EuroQ, Inc.

7800 Metro Parkway
Sterling Heights,
MI 48312 1054, USA

EuroQ Personal Solution GmbH

Stedinger Straße 32
26723 Emden

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