The headquarters of the EuroQ Group are located in north-west Germany, in the seaport town Emden. Our numerous sites in Germany and the USA are in close proximity to the automotive manufacturers’ production plants. We also largely operate our own service and logistics areas for sorting and reworking, product filters and other quality services.
Our locations
Stedinger Straße 32
26723 Emden (Germany)
+49 4921 91668-0
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Grundtalring 25
63868 Großwallstadt (Germany)
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Manager: Andreas Saczek
+49 151 19514 275
Worksites: Aschaffenburg, Babenhausen, Großwallstadt, Marktheidenfeld, Rüsselsheim, Wölfersheim and others
Le-Havre-Straße 1
28309 Bremen (Germany)
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Manager: Martin Bremer
+49 151 19514 264
Worksites: Bremen, Bremerhaven, Hamburg, Osnabrück
Mathias-Brüggen-Straße 152
50829 Köln (Germany)
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Manager: Manuel Kuper
+49 151 1951 4081
Worksites: Cologne, Düsseldorf, others
Ernst-Thälmann-Straße 110
99817 Eisenach (Germany)
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Manager: Stephan Schneeweiß
+49 151 1951 4271
Worksites: Eisenach, Brotterode, Kölleda, Kassel
Stedinger Straße 32
26723 Emden (Germany)
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Manager: Manuel Kuper
+49 151 19514 081
Worksites: Emden, Leer, Oldenburg, Osnabrück
Walsroder Straße 310
30855 Langenhagen (Hannover, Germany)
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Manager: Thomas Marinitsch
+49 151 19514 209
Worksites: Hannover, Braunschweig, Hildesheim, Nienburg, Peine, Rehburg-Loccum, Salzgitter, Stadthagen
Operating Manager: Peter Jokiel
+49 151 19514 201
Worksites: Munich, Ingolstadt, Schongau and others
Beinheimer Straße 7
76437 Rastatt (Germany)
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Manager: Adriana Rieser
+49 151 19514 206
Worksites: Rastatt, Gaggenau, Germersheim, Mannheim, Wörth and more
Carl-Benz-Straße 26
71154 Nufringen (Germany)
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Manager: Sabrina Schelske
+49 151 19514 285
Worksites: Sindelfingen, Untertürkheim, Kippenheim, Neckarsulm
An der Klanze 13
38554 Wolfsburg (Germany)
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Manager: Olivier Rehfeld
+49 151 19514 298
Worksites: Wolfsburg, Braunschweig, Salzgitter, Berlin
Leipziger Straße 158
08058 Zwickau (Germany)
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Manager: Gabi Uhlig
+49 151 19514 272
Worksites: Zwickau, Chemnitz, Dresden, Glauchow, Leipzig, Meerane
Leipziger Straße 158
08058 Zwickau (Germany)
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Manager: Gabi Uhlig
+49 151 19514 272
Worksites: Zwickau, Chemnitz, Dresden, Glauchow, Leipzig, Meerane
Head Office EuroQ, Inc.
7800 Metro Parkway, Sterling Heights, MI 48312 1054, USA
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+1 586 272 2210
Directly at the Mercedes-Benz Vans plant
8501 Palmetto Commerce Pkw
Ladson, SC 29456, USA
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Contact: Gerd Freudenthal
+1 (586) 480 0591
Directly at the BMW Manufacturing plant
1400 Highway 101 S
Greer, SC 29651, USA
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Contact: Christof Zuber
+49 151 19514 270
+1 (586) 480-0330
Directly at the MBUSI plant
1 Mercedes Drive
Vance, AL 35490, USA
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Contact: Gerd Freudenthal
+1 (586) 480 0591
Emden, Germany
Our headquarter in Emden is the center of our company activities and coordinates processes at more than 40 operation sites.
Our location details
Branches in Germany
Head Office EuroQ Group Emden
Stedinger Straße 32
26723 Emden (Germany)
+49 4921 91668-0
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Branch Aschaffenburg / Großwallstadt
Grundtalring 25
63868 Großwallstadt (Germany)
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Manager: Andreas Saczek
+49 151 19514 275
Worksites: Aschaffenburg, Babenhausen, Großwallstadt, Marktheidenfeld, Rüsselsheim, Wölfersheim and others
Branch Bremen
Le-Havre-Straße 1
28309 Bremen (Germany)
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Manager: Martin Bremer
+49 151 19514 264
Worksites: Bremen, Bremerhaven, Hamburg, Osnabrück
Branch Cologne
Mathias-Brüggen-Straße 152
50829 Köln (Germany)
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Manager: Manuel Kuper
+49 151 1951 4081
Worksites: Cologne, Düsseldorf, others
Branch Eisenach
Ernst-Thälmann-Straße 110
99817 Eisenach (Germany)
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Manager: Stephan Schneeweiß
+49 151 1951 4271
Worksites: Eisenach, Brotterode, Kölleda, Kassel
Branch Emden
Stedinger Straße 32
26723 Emden (Germany)
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Manager: Manuel Kuper
+49 151 19514 081
Worksites: Emden, Leer, Oldenburg, Osnabrück
Branch Hannover
Walsroder Straße 310
30855 Langenhagen (Hannover, Germany)
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Manager: Thomas Marinitsch
+49 151 19514 209
Worksites: Hannover, Braunschweig, Hildesheim, Nienburg, Peine, Rehburg-Loccum, Salzgitter, Stadthagen
Branch Munich
Operating Manager: Peter Jokiel
+49 151 19514 201
Worksites: Munich, Ingolstadt, Schongau and others
Branch Rastatt
Beinheimer Straße 7
76437 Rastatt (Germany)
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Manager: Adriana Rieser
+49 151 19514 206
Worksites: Rastatt, Gaggenau, Germersheim, Mannheim, Wörth and more
Branch Sindelfingen / Nufringen
Carl-Benz-Straße 26
71154 Nufringen (Germany)
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Manager: Sabrina Schelske
+49 151 19514 285
Worksites: Sindelfingen, Untertürkheim, Kippenheim, Neckarsulm
Branch Wolfsburg
An der Klanze 13
38554 Wolfsburg (Germany)
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Manager: Olivier Rehfeld
+49 151 19514 298
Worksites: Wolfsburg, Braunschweig, Salzgitter, Berlin
Branch Zwickau
Leipziger Straße 158
08058 Zwickau (Germany)
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Manager: Gabi Uhlig
+49 151 19514 272
Worksites: Zwickau, Chemnitz, Dresden, Glauchow, Leipzig, Meerane
Branches in the USA
Head Office EuroQ, Inc. Sterling Heights, Michigan
Head Office EuroQ, Inc.
7800 Metro Parkway, Sterling Heights, MI 48312 1054, USA
show on Google Maps
+1 586 272 2210
Branch Charleston
Directly at the Mercedes-Benz Vans plant
8501 Palmetto Commerce Pkw
Ladson, SC 29456, USA
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Contact: Gerd Freudenthal
+1 (586) 480 0591
Branch Greenville
Directly at the BMW Manufacturing plant
1400 Highway 101 S
Greer, SC 29651, USA
show on Google Maps
Contact: Christof Zuber
+49 151 19514 270
+1 (586) 480-0330
Branch Tuscaloosa
Directly at the MBUSI plant
1 Mercedes Drive
Vance, AL 35490, USA
show on Google Maps
Contact: Gerd Freudenthal
+1 (586) 480 0591
Our numerous locations in Germany and the USA are located in close proximity to the automotive manufacturers’ production plants.
We help suppliers and OEMs achieve their quality goals – with our comprehensive expertise and broad portfolio.